Simcity pc game
Simcity pc game


but this one is just a very well-done curio. Future SC entries improve on this, and are worthy as game and social experiment. The fun in this version of SC is akin to the fun one gets with a paint program, not necessarily a game program. In retrospect, the game is a lot like Balance of Power: the ideas are awe-inspiring, and the execution creative, but the game itself leaves a bit to be desired.


The Bottom Line:It started and defined a genre that no other series has ever been able to touch- city planning games.


The use of windows in this game, while allowing more flexibility than the DOS version, can get unwieldy. The pre-planned scenarios aren't very fun- once a grasp of the basic concepts of the game are in hand, demolishing buildings to build police stations in hot spots or bulldozing districts to stop the spread of fire just feel like boring puzzle games. Granted, Will Wright could mold the game in any fashion that he desired, but SimCity seems a weird place to trumpet one's own ideological utopian vision. Some have said that to "win" you must lay out your city for mass public transit (with no roads) which strikes me as a lopsided statistical modelling job. There is little to do once you find that happy middle ground of taxes and spending- wait for enough funds, tweak your city a bit, wait for some more funds. Keeping a massive city afloat is far different from juggling a few residential blocks. The Bad:While the experience of playing SimCity is fun, the overall game is rather pointless. SimCity is a complex game, and the more you play, the deeper its mechanics get. Build cities "organically" like London, or build your city according to a larger over-all plan, like Washington DC. Building a city from scratch is fun, and allows a person to experience the joys of being a ruler. The gameplay is familiar, system specs need not be powerful (unlike for the newer Sim installments), and gameplay is a bit smoother than on the standard DOS version. The review on MobyGames says it all"The Good:The original SimCity is a classic, and this is but a translation of it to the Windows environment. One of the rarest versions of Maxis' genre-defining SimCity series, Simcity Classic is a good Windows 3.1 version of the original game, ported by Azeroth.

Simcity pc game